Thursday, April 29, 2010

The wind was absolutely ripping today.  It was snowing pretty hard around Livingston and the fish were definitely not on.  I saw one rise in the shields, which was equally colored up as the Jelly, maybe a foot and a half to two.  Seems like yesterday's rain spiked the stone a bit, but looking at the charts, it is back on its way down.  Between 40 mph gusts a slung a streamer close to the rip rap but didn't move a thing.  Chalk another one up for paying my dues I guess.  I did see some caddis eggs under the few rocks I turned.  Nothing crazy, just globs or 4 or 5 or so here and there.  The only consistent activity I saw were birds picking bugs off the surface.  They were prowling along the rip rap to stay out of the heavy wind.  At first I was excited, thinking that baetis were coming off, but after looking more closely they were eating midges.  I don't have much hope for tomorrow, but with the Stone you never know... 

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